The Rock | Bay of Islads Adventure Cruise

Jonny's first fish

Jonny shares his first fishing experience as a young boy. That experience is shared with many of the guests on The Rock Overnight Cruise in the Bay of Islands.

My first fish

I still remember the adrenalin rush of 'catching my first fish', crouching on the rocks peering over the gently lapping waves, with my dad sitting next to me cracking open limpets and helping me put pieces on the small hook. It was a simple three-piece made out of cane that I had just proudly paraded the entire length of the beach with my head held high that morning as if I was already as accomplished as I imagined I would be by the end of that day!

We were on holiday from the UK, with my sister (Rachel), mum (Frances) and dad (Francis), visiting a beach a short drive from Hennebont in Brittany on the French coast. Now, before my dad reads this, I suppose at this point I should clarify the words 'catch', as it was actually 'hooking' my first fish, that adrenalin I spoke of earlier filled me with such excitement and fear I apparently promptly dropped the rod....due to the immense power pulling on the line.....well that's how I remember it! Dad swiftly climbed down the rocks, carefully lowered himself in the waves and retrieved my rod, line and FISH!

It is experiences like these that I love to share with guests aboard The Rock, I've seen so many smiling faces, the excitement, the shouts of joy, hoops and hollers as children and adults alike get to experience what many Kiwi's are lucky enough to consider a common childhood experience. Moments like these stay with you forever and while sitting around the wood burner, each retelling adds the opportunity to add extra depth.

Stay fit,




Posted by on October 05, 2016


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